Welcome Strata Corporations
Generate Revenue from
the Sale of EV Charging
Carbon Credits
A New Opportunity:
- The BC Government has in place its Renewable and Low Carbon Fuel Regulation (LCFS).
- This regulation allows strata corporations with residential buildings of five or more dwelling units to receive carbon credits for supplying electricity to EV chargers.
- These credits can be sold generating revenue for your strata corporation.

Can Your Strata Claim Credits?
Yes, but your strata must meet the following conditions:
- Have residential buildings with five or more dwelling units.
- The strata corporation is billed directly for the electricity supplied to the EV charger(s).
- Can report the energy usage of the EV charger(s).
Challenges for Strata Corporations:
- The BC regulations are complex and require multiple legal and technical processes.
- Setting up an account with the BC Government and reporting your energy usage involves multi-step administrative processes.
- Even if a strata successfully generates some credits, there maybe no buyers for a small number of credits.
- Buyers only want to purchase credits from a larger aggregated credit “pool”.
Foreseeson's Solution for Stratas
We fully understand the LCFS regulations and how to navigate them.
Under BC Low Carbon Fuel Regulation as an authorized Part 3 Fuel Supplier, we provide credit aggregation services for EV charging.
We have in place a fully operational credit aggregation service for strata corporations. We aggregate the strata corporation's credits into a large pool allowing us to sell the credits.
As an aggregator, we eliminate the multi-step administrative process for stratas.
Foreseeson has a credit aggregation track record - we have already aggregated and pre-sold BC LCFS credits from EV charging on behalf of our customers.
We will sell your credits even if you only have one charger and very few credits!
Who is Foreseeson?
- Foreseeson is a BC based technology company with over 100 employees headquartered in Richmond, BC.
- Since 2015, Foreseeson has delivered EV charger projects for stratas, airports, shopping malls, homes and municipalities.
- We have deep technical and business expertise in EV charging. We have sold, installed and manage over 3,700 EV chargers in British Columbia and other provinces.
- We have a dedicated team to support our carbon credit customers.